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Control Parental 2007

Control Parental 2007

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Control Parental Publisher's Description

Emjysoft Parental Control enables to deny access to pornography sites, Warez, online
payment or by phones and all the shocking contents.
The software displays a customizable message and can take lot of actions when a
forbidden websites is detected.
- Display a customizable message
- Take a screen capture
- Send an alert by E-mail to parents/administrator
- Close the connexion and shutdown the computer
For parents
- protect the kids against shocking contents on the net
- control of the kids to avoid any kind of problems
For companies
- prevent a bad management of Internet connexion, especially for personal ends
- protect the company image ( IP log )
For schools, college grammar schools
- protect, train about the risks of Internet
- limit Internet connexion management to educative purposes only
- control Internet connexion management

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